Saturday, December 09, 2006

Stranger than Fiction tops

Sammy stays home with Eli the bird while Sebastian goes snowboarding at Brighton and Genie goes to the prom. Actually Sammy went to see Stranger than Fiction. We decided it was the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Couldn't help but think we were saying goodbye to Dustin Hoffman and Will Farrell couldn't stop crying about it. Posted by Picasa

Genie's formal

Genie standing beside the Amaryllis Painting and the Christmas Tree wearing lip gloss the year of her car accident in 2006 in Mount Pleasant wearing a turquoise dress that she bought in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Posted by Picasa

Winter Prom, Wasatch Academy

Tauna, Carl and Jacie Posted by Picasa

Not now Mom!

Fourteen going on twenty five Posted by Picasa

Winter Prom, Wasatch

Genie leaving for Winter Formal 2006, Wasatch Academy, Mount Pleasant Utah (Genie was crowned Snow Princess last night!)Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 01, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas at Le Mirage

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannkkah and post Ramadan Posted by Picasa

All you need is Love

Le Mirage ---- All you need is love..... Posted by Picasa

The Martini

Renee's Martini that Valerie carried across the street to the Vanetion Hotel. Val had to balance it while running across the road as we didn't have time to finish it at Le Mirage. Posted by Picasa

Manot, Carol and Mary Francis, Val's friends and cousin

Kokomos disaster! Posted by Picasa

Saying Goodbye Again

Val and I in front of the dophins at Le Mirage. Posted by Picasa

Bellagio Water Show

Val and Manot are cooling off in the November winds in front of the Bellagio. The other gals were having lunch at the Paris Cafe. Posted by Picasa

Cousins in front of Mirage

Le Mirage Lobby -- just before Christmas, Dianne, Val and Carol. Posted by Picasa


Kokomos ---- November 2006 for Val's 61st Birthday. Val had King Crab. Posted by Picasa

Val's Birthday in front of Caesar's Palace

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Somehow we do look like these people! Posted by Picasa


Palace of Kitch! Posted by Picasa