Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Genie says hi

Genie loves this scene.

Seb and Genie swimming in the Bay of Corinth

Genie and Seb swimming today. Genie says hi to Shelsie and Michelle and Rivers and her friends in Utah whom she misses very much and talks about each day. Seb on the other hand, is swimming with his snorkels and diving deeper into the sea each day practising holding his breath.

Night Games with kids

Kids play night games each night, dodge ball, red rover and hide-n-seek

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Web Cafe in Egio, Greece

Boy playing accordian outside internet cafe called Enter Surf and Play in Egion, Greece.

Tass receives gift from waiter in Egio

Tass has chosen this restaurant as a frequent haunt in Egio. It makes me feel like Ground Hog Day, but Tass and the waiter seem to get along great! Tass now drinks wine.

Oranges picked this morning

Digitized photo of watercolor of oranges Seb and I picked this morning on our walk in Lambiri, Greece. The melon was on the table that I salvaged.

Egio, Greece

Today had lunch by the park and seaside at Tass's favorite restaurant. The waiter gave the kids a complimentary Greek desert which was a white blob on a spoon in water. They loved it!

Coke's for you Valerie and Sharon

Small cokes are great next to the seaside. STopped for lunch by Galaxia. Restaurant dogs and cats behaved though the spaghetti and chicken wasn't great! Seb and Sam are vegetarians so they eat alot of Greek salad and cheese pastry.

Ferry from Rion to St Nicholas

Kids excited about going to Delphi, especially the ferry. The longest cable suspension bridge in the world the background.
Breakfast overlooking Delphi


Temple of Athena
Doric order columns

Delphi--- The Charioteer

The Charioteer had a prime spot in the museum inDelphi. We loved walkingup the ruins, and took photos. Firsthotel was overlooking the fabulous valley to the sea and was twice the price of the second hotel called the Pan Hotel. The Pan Hotel is clean and cheap, but breakfast was extra. Our photos of the gymnasium, the temples and Doric columns turned out okay.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

nodding yes when saying no

I'm not sure why it is, but when someone says no, they nod yes.
Back in Patras again. Tass and Seb slept on the beach last night. It was a full moon, very large and orange. The sea has been calm for a couple of days. Planning to go to Delphi by ferry soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Seb and Sam, Athens Posted by Hello

Genie Dad having lunch Posted by Hello

Genie Dad in Athens Posted by Hello

movieof parthenon Posted by Hello

Sam movie Posted by Hello

House of Apollo Posted by Hello

Mom, Genie, Seb, Sam Parthenon Posted by Hello

Mom, Seb and Sam Acropolis Posted by Hello

Parthenon Posted by Hello

Mom and Seb at the Parthenon Posted by Hello

Bey family at the Parthenon,  Posted by Hello

Mom and Sam Acropolis with ampitheatre in background Posted by Hello

Seb, Sam and Genie Acropolis Posted by Hello

Acropolis in Athens Posted by Hello

View in Athens from Costa's apartment Posted by Hello

movie of Genie on the roof in Athens, Greece, 2005 Posted by Hello

Genie and Mom on the plane to Europe Posted by Hello

ooohhh man Posted by Hello

Sammy walking in the red district on a rainy night in Copenhagen Posted by Hello